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Cardio Series (Barre): Lose My Breath (Destiny's Child)

Lose My Breath - Destiny's Child

Could this song be anything but a cardio track? I don't think I even have to tell you the answer. I hope your members appreciate all the jokes about them losing their breath during this track!

This track starts side facing, turns toward the barre in Block 2, and ends facing the opposite direction. This allows your members to flow through the entire track to really get that heart rate up! Be sure to clearly coach the changes coming up so your members can flow through the entire time!


  • 2nd Plie Sequence: Your progressions are built into this track so be sure to coach B-B2 as progressions, encouraging your members to move to the next option only if it feels right for them.

  • Speed: This is not a fast track at all, but it combines some bend-bend movements which always feel quicker (Curtsy/2nd, Swivel Lunge/2nd). Encourage your members to take their own pace at any point and meet back up with you on the changes.

Downloadable PDF:

Lose My Breath
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