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Bridge Series (Mat): Beautiful (Akon)

5 minutes of bridges that's a quick learn track?? YES, PLEASE!!

Alright, this one is some fire!! We have lots of options to get spicy, but make sure you coach your members appropriately so everybody feels successful every step of the way.

We start easy with the Bridge and Bridge Pulse. The first opportunity to get extra spicy is with the 1/1 Kick. During this move, I encourage members to keep their glutes up but to absolutely set them down if that feels better. Even if they do set themselves down, encourage them to keep the engagement. This will help them build the strength they need to be able to do this move down the line. This move progresses itself, turning from an isometric hold to a single leg lift. Warn your members about the pulses coming and tell them they can choose - one leg or two!

Block 2 brings in some inner/outer thigh work with the Windshield Wiper. Encourage your members to take the leg out only as far as they can bring it back in. Hips and shoulders should stay anchored during this move! The Combo gives you another option to hit a single leg bridge - or set the leg down and stay with both. One last chance to pulse - one leg or two.

And then - we do it ALL AGAIN. :)

Blocks 1 & 2 introduce every move on the first side and Blocks 3 & 4 repeat it on the other side. So enjoy the 5 minute booty burn!

Equipment: Mat

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